Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby-Making Range

Diabetes is all about the numbers.

Blood sugar readings. Hemoglobin A1c results. Carbohydrate to insulin ratio. Bolusing. Basal rates.


Lots of type 1ers say you have to be a mathematician just to survive. Of course, our fancy schmancy pumps do a lot of the work we used to do. But still, we spend our days thinking of maximums and minimums and insulin on board and time till food and time after food and on and on.

Pre-thoughts of baby, my HA1c's were somewhere in the 7 to 7.5 range. That's not true. In high school and earlier, they were much, much higher. But that was before Humalog and the pump and angels sang from the heavens.

But post-pump, pre-baby-thoughts, 7.5 was a pretty normal reading for me. I did a little celebratory dance when I got down to 7.

And then I met with Dr. Awesome OB, and she said, "Lady! You have to get your A1cs under 7 for six months PRIOR to conceiving. And once you're all preggers, your blood sugars need to be in the 60-90 range pre-meal, going up to 120 at the highest post-meal."

WTF?! I thought she was crazy. I thought How am I ever possibly going to be that super-human? Or to be more exact, How am I ever going to be that close to a non-diabetic human?

Enter Symlin and the continuous glucose monitor. The angels really sang from the heavens this time! With Symlin, my A1cs came consistently down to 7. But then Symlin has its own issues (for a later post).

I went on the continuous glucose monitor and love love love it.

Of course, when it's beeping at 3 in the morning because it says I'm at 200 when really I'm at 110, I don't love it. But for the most part, I love it.

In October, my A1c was 6.9. The lowest it's ever been!

And I thought I can do this. I can do even better.

In January, my A1c was 6.3. Did I ever do a happy dance!

So, now it's been 6 months of A1cs under 7. I am finally in baby-making range.


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